
Episode #114 “Applying The Untapped Science of Less To Our Money Stories”

Leidy Klotz Ph.D | Author | Professor | Speaker


Leidy Klotz is a Professor at the University of Virginia, where he is appointed in the Schools of Engineering, Architecture, and Business. He founded and directs the university’s Convergent Behavioral Science Initiative, which engages and supports applied, interdisciplinary research. Leidy studies the science of design, which, he reminds us, is something we all do every day. His research has appeared in both Nature and Science and his debut popular science book, Subtract, is among the most influential published in 2021 and is already on all-time reading lists for both design and behavioural science.


– Why humans instinctively resort to “adding” over “subtracting.”

– Learn how we can curb our mind’s tendency to add before taking away

– How practicing self-reflection can help us subtract in our lives

– Why do our busy lives encourage us to make poor money decisions

– The benefits subtracting and savouring can have on our money lives

– The importance of creating time and space for silence and reflection when practicing subtraction


“We pile on “to-dos” but don’t consider “stop-doings.” Leidy Klotz

“Less is more” Leidy Klotz


Leidy’s website: CLICK HERE

Subtract: The Untapped Science of Less Hardcover – by Leidy Klotz

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