
Episode #109 “How to Find Authentic Financial Freedom”

George Kinder | Father of Life Planning | Creator


Author, international thought leader, and life planning pioneer George Kinder has been at the forefront of the financial services industry for more than 35 years, spearheading a movement that centers the lives that clients long to live within their financial plan. Through his books, workshops, and speaking engagements, George has trained thousands of professionals globally in the field of financial life planning. He founded Kinder Institute of Life Planning in 2003 after 30 years as a practicing financial planner and tax advisor. His three books on money, The Seven Stages of Money MaturityLighting the Torch, and Life Planning for You, are considered the seminal works in the burgeoning field of financial life planning.

In his books and speeches, George regularly challenges the basic concepts of economics, our understanding of democracy, of space-time, and our own hearts. He is known for his dynamic presentation skills and outside the box thinking that inspires audiences the world over to design and deliver their lives of greatest meaning, now!


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